Prayer + Education + Advocacy + Action
Diocese of Cleveland, is supported by the Diocesan Social Action Office, and is rooted in Catholic Social Teaching. Catholic Schools for Peace and Justice (CSPJ) is a network of students and educators from Catholic high schools in the
CSPJ originated in 2002 through the recognition of our schools’ common faith mission and the hope of further collaboration in our efforts and resources dedicated to promoting peace and justice.
Since our founding, educators and student leaders have met regularly to share ideas and resources, plan CSPJ sponsored events, and invite each other's schools to participate and collaborate on projects.
We have helped to establish a culture in our schools that actively seeks to engage all students in our common vocation of working for justice and peace. The unique CSPJ collaborative model has also received national attention through both the annual National Catholic Educational Association conference and the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops website.
"Let us be renewed by God’s mercy … and let us become agents of this mercy,
channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish. "
Pope Francis